Tuesday, June 25, 2024

(Video) Selected Comments Samdech Moha Bovor Thipadei Hun Manet, at the inauguration ceremony of the Cambodian Cyber ​​University Network (CCUN) [Unofficial and translations]



(1) The education sector must have a long-term vision to be responsive to human resource production and to be proactive

In his summary report, (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education, Youth and Sports – MEYS) HE Hang Chuon Naron, outlined the initiative and launched the program that is proactive in education. The education reform must be proactive. We do not just respond. We respond to the production of human resources in accordance with the needs of the progress of social development, but we must be proactive too, because the human resources development cannot be done in one day. If we expect that in the next five years AI will play a more important role, we need to organize training today […] and this would require the education sector to set out a long-term and proactive vision and principle […]

(2) More than 10 years reform efforts and 40 years achievements enable Cambodian human resource to capture technology and major industries, while competing with equal right and footing with other countries

(According to the achievements described) in the summary report, considering the achievements we have scored more than 10 years in the reform efforts, and in the past 40 years regarding what we have been doing so far, our human resources quality has been able to keep up with the situation and enables Cambodia to capture technology and major industries, while competing with equal right and footing with other countries. This is possible thank to the long-term training readiness […] in which MEYS has played an important role. I believe that the (7th legislative Royal Government’s) policy can be implemented successfully because we have a strong, clearsighted and energetic staffing, innovation and proactiveness […]


(3) The quality of education is the key factor in ensuring the quality of human resources

The quality of human resources determines the quality and capacity of a country to develop and compete sustainably. Therefore, the quality of education and training is a key factor in the quality of human resources. We can say that the quality of training is a key factor in ensuring the competitiveness of our nation. The gap between the brain and human ability is easy to close if people – no matter from what point they may start differently – have the same access to quality education […] nowadays, we have higher education in many provincial capitals. This is a source of pride. This enables people, students, and youth across the country to embrace higher education, which is one step closer to bridging the gap between human quality and capacity between those in the capitals and those in the provinces […]

(4) Teacher qualifications, curriculum, teaching materials and teaching methods determine the quality of education

However, some factors remain a challenge to ensure equity or equality in the quality of education, both between provinces and the capital, and between universities in the capital. There are many factors that determine the quality of education and training, whereas the first of which, I think, is the quality/qualification of professors and teachers. A school needs students and teachers, of course (it needs also) teaching materials. Thus, qualified and experienced teachers are an important factor in determining the quality of education. Secondly, curriculum and lessons. Thirdly, teaching materials or means of teaching. And, fourthly, teaching methods. These four factors determine the quality of education […]

(5) Teaching/learning online as an innovation to solve the problem of lack of students, lack of teachers, lack of equipment

There have been challenges in the educational institutions, especially in the provinces […] (firstly) there is a lack of subjects due to then lack of professional teachers […] in some provinces, certain subjects have been unavailable due to lack of teachers. Some places are not able to offer a class because there are too few students […] secondly, there is a shortage of students […] the school wants to open the course but there are no students […] and, thirdly, it is difficult to find professionally trained teachers on subject matters in the provinces […] it is the case not only in the provinces but also in Phnom Penh, where there are many universities, but some are not able to find specialized teachers […] to solve the above problems, if we let each university do by itself, it may be difficult and will take a long time since they had to have students, find teachers, and upgrade equipment. Innovation, the use of creative approaches […] by creating online teaching/learning is an important means […]

(6) CCUN not only allows remote study but also study of the chosen subjects with flexibility

What is interesting to me in networking the Cyber ​​University of Cambodia is not just to provide online learning […] it solves the challenges of the gap I mentioned earlier. In Kratie, for instance, it is not possible to run an IT class because there are no students or no teachers. Now (with CCUN in place,) students in Kratie can learn (this subject) online […] This is a very important innovation. I support this idea. (Teaching/learning online) not only allows students to learn from a distance, but also to learn the subjects at their own choosing on their own, which is creative or gives students flexibility […] we provide (same) opportunities for them to learn. This means that this innovation can quickly expand the quality of education and narrow the education quality gap. I support this project and initiative […] this is an innovation in education. If the (progress made) education sector is slower than innovation, it will not be marching ahead. People develop capacity and put forth innovative work […]

(7) CCUN is a platform for sharing existing resources, training everywhere and in a timely for members

[…] Reducing the quality and education gap between the provinces and the capital is a necessary factor for the quality of our people to compete everywhere. The fastest method is by using the sharing method. I support the CCUN (efforts) because it is a platform for sharing existing resources and providing training wherever and in a timely manner to members, rather than them doing it alone […] this is a necessary measure to reduce the gap and to ensure equitable access to quality education between students of the capital cities and the provinces […]

(8) Use technology to bring benefits in line with global digital trends

[…] to organize working manner in line with the global digital trend. Now, in some places, modern technology companies do not even need an office. Many businesses – that are dealing with the basic formula that requires office – are collapsing […] even TV, if they do not go online, there are not many viewers. On this note, we need to use technology in the way we work, and in our mindset, so that we will achieve effectiveness […] however, (this is not to mean that students do not go to school, but) to increase human responsibility and flexibility in cyber/online learning. If you do not try yourself, no teacher will help. If we do not work hard, you will not be able to fulfil the tasks. It depends, therefore, on the spirit of ownership, the mindset of responsibility […]

(9) Expand what we have learnt to no longer depend on other but to live on our own

We are higher education students – meaning that we are mature youth. We are responsible for our own lives. We are not in our parents’ full responsibility. We need to start taking ownership and building the capacity to help ourselves and our parents […] training not only creates/teaches and presents innovation and creativity in expanding education, but also cultivates students’ responsible thinking […] the important thing is that we learn, and from what we learnt, we expand them […] so that we do not always depend on others. We learn to live on our own […] in 2012-2019, a funded Korean project helped connect CLMV countries – Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam, and taught us to create that system […] now that’s complete. They are finished, but let bus not throw it away. Let us bring it to life to strengthen and expand to solve the problems that Cambodia may have […]./.

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