Wednesday, June 26, 2024

(Video) Selected Comments Samdech Moha Bovor Thipadei Hun Manet, at the 17th anniversary of the Cambodian Veterans Day – June 21 (CVD) [Unofficial and translations]



(1) The June-21 Cambodian Veterans Day is to honor and commemorate the heroism of all generations of veterans

The work concerning the veterans/retirees has three components […] honors, livelihoods and opportunities […] every year, the celebration of Cambodian Veterans Day (CVD) takes place on June 21. This year we do it on June 26 […] to (a) commemorate the heroism of all generations of veterans so that he young generation and the generations to come will continue to remember […] those who had contributed to the making of our history, […] whereas in organizing the provincial/district councils so far, the Royal Government has set out the principles of providing opportunities, honor and representation to our veterans across the country to participate in leadership […] because a soldier/policeman of one day must be a soldier/policeman for life […]

(b) regarding livelihood, increase the salaries of civil servants, but not exclude pension of the retired Royal Cambodian Armed Forces officers – as a payback of gratitude, […] it is what some people say that the Royal Government has forgotten the veterans and former civil servants […] I just signed (a paper) to increase the basic salary not less than 825,000 […] which means that we add more than one million US dollars/month or more than 10 million US dollars/year […] and take into consideration the regimes for the families of veterans […] whereas, the Royal Government distributed land and implemented housing development projects for veterans in the provinces, […] and,

(c) provide opportunities to participate directly in social work, through being placed in (the capital/provincial/district) councils or other working groups in the communities, […] veterans are not all at their old ages […] some are over 30 years old, some are over 48 years old, but we consider them all veterans […] the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training should consider providing them training as part of the scholarships program for the 1.5 million people […] to the veterans with good physical conditions, and their children, […] and give priority to veterans’ children through recruiting new troops […] so that they have the opportunity to fulfill the task of taking over from their parents […]

(2) In recruiting troops in the future, priority given to children of local veterans

I would like to give guidelines to the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Interior, the Commander-in-Chief, as well as the General Commissioner of the National Police, the Army, and troops of all types, in recruiting new troops in the future, please give priority to the children of veterans, of former police, of ex-military so that they have the opportunities to take over from their parents, especially those in the local community. Let say if we are to recruit soldiers for the 5th military region, we have to find those in Battambang, Banteay Meanchey, Pursat provinces […] when the economy recovers, we will look at the possibility of increasing the recruitment […] in which some 50% to 60% are being reserved for the prioritized (veterans’ children). The remaining 40% are open for other young people to apply […]

(3) Veterans Association was established in 2007, but the Royal Government has set a policy from the beginning regarding human resources and budget

The Royal Government’s policy for veterans and civil servants is not limited to 2007. The association was established in 2007, but the Royal Government has set a policy (from the early stage) regarding human and financial resources. It was with that initial setup that we formed a Veterans Association and continue to mobilize […] then, there were two options. For the first option, we considered organizing a reserve unit where veterans would be placed it […] and for the other option, we could work on the existing Veterans Association that was established in 2007 […]

I had some talks with HE Ith Sam Heng, […] and asked in principle to have a chat with HE Pol Saroeung […] the majority of us agreed that we use the Veterans Association mechanism, but we needed to adjust so that people from the Armed Forces could have the opportunity to participate directly in the care of the retired Armed Forces officers. Therefore, in 2015, we decided to revise the statutes of the Veterans Association and to make sure that leaders in the provinces, districts, the Veterans Association, are mostly originated from the Armed Forces, with which, we can add the military police and the army into the national, provincial and district leadership structure […]

(4) The Royal Government of the 7th mandate continues to strive to forever assist the veterans/retired civil servants

The Royal Government of the seventh legislative term will continue to lead and promote assistance to veterans, former civil servants as much as possible, and as long as the CPP has the opportunity to lead the country. Help will continue endlessly, […] and, regarding the movement to allocate land and build housing for the veterans, firstly, as far as housing is concerned, I am calling on the provincial capitals to continue to provide land to the Veterans Association to build its headquarters. Twelve more provinces (still need to have CV headquarters), […] and, secondly, let us mobilize assistance to build more houses […] we will try to expand the possibility with transparency and equity. In fact, the act of providing land to and building houses for the veterans is part of the policy solution […]./.


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