Thursday, June 13, 2024

Selected Comments Samdech Moha Bovor Thipadei Hun Manet, at the graduation and diploma presenting ceremony for the Lim Kok Wing University [Unofficial and translations]


(1) Achievements in study create human resources, promote employment/economic activities for the benefits of the nation

Our country went through wars, leaving many of our descendants without a chance (to have education) […] as the country was at war, there was no opportunity (to learn) and even if there was, the desire to learn was not there because we did not know what the future would be like […] the study success scored by the students is possible with the financial support of the family, the support of parents and the emotional support of those who already have a spouse since sometimes either the husband or the wife comes to school […] it is not a success only for families and students as it would never have happened if we do not have the other half – which is the faculty, teachers and support staff […] this is an achievement/accomplishment scored collectively by many actors […] students who have graduated will become human resource that can be used to promote leadership or strive economic activities in organizations, institutions, whether state, private or (non-governmental) organizations. or self-employments, which ultimately are for the benefits of our nation […]

(2) Human resources – assets to help the country develop sustainably and everlastingly

We know that human resources determine everything. People are planners. People lead the implementation of the plan. People monitor plans. People edit and develop plans. Lim Kok Wing University has been operational in Cambodia for 16 years. Without the guidance of regular updates, success would not have been possible. Let us take just one example – the computer is used by human. It would not work all by itself […] human resources are the most important asset for a nation that enables our country to develop sustainably and everlastingly […] (we will have the help of) AI (artificial intelligence) […] but it is still limited to programs that have been developed […] while in reality, people constantly evolve because they have the ability to update themselves regularly […]

(3) Vibrant human resources will develop a long-lasting and sustainable nation

If we wanted to keep evolving, we need to have vibrant human resources […] the Ministry of Education (Youth and Sports), along with concerned private sectors, has laid out policies regarding this training platform […] whereas (the third point is that) human resources help our country to be able to compete with other countries. In the context of globalization, our country must be competitive. If we stay still, we will lose the ground because everyone is moving forward and this is a reality […] (for the fourth point,) human resources help the country to seize the opportunity and reduce the gap with other countries […] we have ended the wat in the late 1990s, and started running. Gaps in infrastructure and in some tasks close slower than the brain gaps […], (and for the fifth point) the human resources of our country will make us independent. From the 1980s, our country relied on the expertise from Vietnam, the (former Soviet Union) […] and in the 1990s, after the first general elections, we relied on the expertise of the World Bank and/or France […] and as of now, we have been able to plan ourself the rectangular and now the pentagonal strategies ourselves. We do not just write the plan but lead the implementation ourselves too. This is our independence […]

(4) Learning gives qualification, ability to compete, to seize more opportunities and to be independent, with freedom and self-ownership 

The fact that the country takes benefits from the development of human resources, there are four points to take into consideration […] firstly, learning so as to increase qualifications, knowledge and has the ability to grow regularly […]; secondly, once we have the ability/capability, our country has good human resources, we can compete with others […] some say that it is not practical to just learn theory […] I would confirm to them on where the theory come from […] they are collections of experiences, compiled and synthesized […] while going through a lot of tests, until they are applicable […] having learned the theory means that one has made 50% far already (while another 50%) are to be gained from implementation […]; thirdly, with education/knowledge people can seize many job opportunities […] with knowledge, we have many options, we are not in deadlock position […]; and fourthly, we are to be independent, with freedom and self-ownership. We have the ability to think, assign, implement ourselves. We have control over our lives. That means we have choices […]

(5) Learn in order to prepare Cambodia to compete with the world

The government has given high priority to training human resources. On the front of human capital, we have focused on health and education. The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education, Youth and Sports, His Excellency Dr. Hang Chuon Naron, has done a lot of works in the reform (of education sector) […] the government of the seventh legislative term of the National Assembly also strives to further strengthen the educational base. The Royal Government has opened up opportunities for participation from the private sector, both domestic and foreign, and encourage collaboration between universities or educational institutions with other countries so to share experiences and transfer knowledge. Students do not study only for Cambodia, but to prepare Cambodia to compete with the world […]

(6) Transforming a least developed Cambodia to become a high-income country by 2050

[…] Cambodia is moving away from the state of being one of the least developed countries (LDC) […] once out of this (least developed) situation, it has been said that the country would no longer be applicable for favorable principles […] in that case, why does Cambodia refuse to remain an LDC? […] we do not need to live in someone’s sympathetic favor. We need to live sustainably and be strong ourselves. If we live by favors only to get cheap loans and do not develop ourselves, we will depend on others for life. If we strengthen ourselves, leave the status of being a least developed country to become a high-income country by 2050, we will dare to compete on an equal footing with all countries […] having said that we need to be independent, and it means we must strive to live by ourself […]

(7) Orientating study and practical application according to the norm of “learning in school to provide benefits in society”

What does it mean to receive a degree today? Dato Tiffanee Marie Lim said that the Lim Kok Wing University strives to provide a realistically practical curriculum […] we need immediate skills and predicted ones for the future […] that means learning here must link the curriculum orientation to practice. We say learning in school to suit the needs of society and the people […] there have been some experiences connected to society – firstly, every big success comes from many small successes combined; and secondly, hard work, perseverance and patience are factors of success […]

We cannot get what we want all the time, but do not give up. No one succeeds all the time, but do not close the door on yourself. The same is true with learning […] in our world, sometimes new ideas that someone called it useless are the ideas that score long-term success. Take for example the Harry Potter books that 11 publishers said were unattractive, but the 12th publisher brought it to win landslide support […] this has clearly indicated the need for self-confidence, perseverance and patience. The same is true that learning also needs self-confidence […]

(8) It is better to know acquire one skill well than to know many but none is

There are many skills […] and one has to learn well whatever skill s/he is holding on to by struggling until s/he finishes it […] even if that skill is not widely demanded, it would also find the need somewhere/somehow […] as long as you know it well. Do not acquire many skills but none is clear […] the Royal Government guarantees opportunities and freedom to study different subjects and opens opportunities for the students who graduated to find (jobs). There will be three options – the first one, s/he may change to learn skills that are in demand in the market. The second one – s/he continues learning what s/he is learning and going to work in the career s/he loves […]; and the third option is to create your own job market, especially for the skills that are rare. There are a lot of self-marketers like Mark Zuckerberg and his team who created a Facebook platform that no one had before […] and all this is surely driven by courage, confidence and perseverance […] and again, whatever skill you may learn – whether there is no or the market is small or big, or the market of own creation – has to be learned well […] whereas the government guarantees the environment, opportunities and openness for students […]./.

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