Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen, at the inauguration of the movie “The Son Born under the Full Moon” [Unofficial Translation]
(1) The movie – “The Son Born under the Full Moon” appeared in parallel with the book “Cambodia’s strong man”
[…] While foreigners were writing book about “Cambodia’s strongman,” the story of the son under the moonlight appeared. At that time, I was listening to Radio 103 Phnom Penh. I think this was very much like my story. I asked. It is truly the story about me. Since then, we have begun to adjust according to the facts should be. But some episodes have already gone in the air. Some editing needs to be made. In that, the radio broadcast may be different with the narrative that has a new addition in the film […]
(2) The 30-hours video will be published in book form in the next 10 years
Why did I bring this book today? I made a video for over 30 hours and I have it transcribed into a book. This book has little to do with storytelling. We cannot publish this book at this time. It will take at least another 10 years to publish because there are so many secrets. (Those events) cannot be released on film. (Events) in this book are the recollections from 1977 to 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006. The story that happened before that is not in this movie (but) must be a part in this book […]
(3) A true story that cannot be filmed/performed wrong
[…] Three foreign companies came to see me. There was one company that I would not name it, came up twice. I refused to let them shoot this movie. I told them if you would like to do it, you have to take the scenario in the story of “The Son under the Full Moon” … my story cannot be distorted […] otherwise it would make a true story become a lie. In this story, that you play my character, not a single word can be wrong. (If misrepresented or mis-performed,) the next day it could become a different story. I urge further attention […]
(4) Coup d’état overthrowing Norodom Sihanouk taking the Cambodian people hostage to the war
[…] Let me reiterate that it is not a separate inspiration. My character is connected to the life of the Khmer nation, one of the millions of young people who suffered because of the war (caused by) the wrong decision of the politicians in the coup to overthrow Prince Norodom Sihanouk. (That wrong decision) became a problem for the people, all of whom became hostages of the war. Please note that I do not name this character as Hun Sen, but they can understand who the Commander Samrech and Marini are. It (is an event that) involves the whole nation, not the individual. It may leave a legacy for future generations to understand […]
(5) Those entered the Marquis in 1970s thought Circular 870 signed by King Norodom Sihanouk
[…] Those who entered the Marquis in the 1970s did not know who the real leaders were. (There was this) circular number 870. We assumed that 870 was a directive of Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk or Samdech Pen Nuth, who was the President of the Cambodian National United Front and the Prime Minister, while Khieu Samphan was, to my understanding, the Minister of National Defense […] then came this name Pol. We still thought that maybe the confidential name of Prince Norodom Sihanouk or the confidential name of Samdech Pen Nuth […]
(6) The character of Hun Sen connected to the lives of the people
Is it beneficial for historians? It is beneficial for researchers to know the evolution of the situation from one stage to another, the flexibility of the situation. This is something that needs to be done […] Cambodians can understand that starting from trading life as capital, […] I lead the country until now, and they cannot separate me from the country’s evolution. That’s right. Hun Sen’s character is not just Hun Sen, but it has been connected to the lives of the people from that time until now. I have traded life for people’s survival, for peace. Fortunately, I am still alive today. That is why making this movie comes in […]
(7) Unbreakable love – marriage in the time of turmoil
This time, (unlike what they have written in the speaking theatre,) we put it right, as in the first part, we should tell the truth. I hope my beloved wife does not disagree with me. I have written to fill in the gaps, and as part of today’s story, “The Unbreakable Couple,” the first part is “Marriage in Time of Turmoil” and the second part is “Life after Marriage.” I do not know if there is or is not a sin or astrology or a definite karma that two people who do not know each other are matched by their combatants. We finally met as a couple. By now we have children and grandchildren. If the grandchildren agree, we may have even grandchildren […]
(8) Give feedbacks with tears on the scene footages
I can tell all of you that physical injuries can be healed, but mental injuries are difficult to heal. It has hit me so far for years, but I still cannot forget it. When filming, Huy Veasna always sent footages for me to check twice. Take a footage, montage and send it to me for a review. I give feedbacks. At some points they needed to be recorded or to change the sound, correct the words, etc. Almost every time I did it, I shed tears. In fact, the story between my wife and me was a part of the grief of people across the country. Psychological attacks and emotional trauma is not a minor issue […]
(9) In public office for more than 44 years, 80% of dreams are from the past
[…] I have held public office for more than 44 years, including the post of Prime Minister, but 80% of my dreams have never been about being the Prime Minister. I dreamed of my sad past […] (in) war, when one entered, one did not think to have a chance to return. I never shed tears when I fought […] but I shed tears almost all the time without my wife knowing (in anticipation) that she would recover soon. I took care of my wife as if I did to an old mother. She is a live witness here […]
(10) Continue to shoot more difficult scenes
In the future, difficult scenes will continue to be filmed. Now some have been recorded and assembled for subsequent broadcasts. But all these things (I mentioned), I think will be made in this film. As I said, it covers about 40%. We cannot make all of them. On the other hand, we cannot take the characters on the Vietnamese side and leaders that I met to film. These points can be understood in the form of commentary by the writer and/or director […]
(11) When Hun Sen is in tears, no understanding for peace destroyers
[…] At first, I thought I was going to make you laugh. However, when I talked about my past life, I shed tears. This is why I am stubborn with those who destroy peace. Remember that (when) Hun Sen sheds tears, do not hope that Hun Sen can give understanding to those who destroy the peace of Cambodia […] I am not a fool with power and I do not let those who intend to destroy this peace do whatever they want […] no matter what the cost, we will keep the peace. My grief is a symbol of the grief of the people […]
(12) Continuing filming to the birth of the eldest daughter and the Khmer Rouge shot and killed the father-in-law
[…] The story is long. It has just filmed about 60% of it. Previously, I planned to finish by 1979 after I met my wife and children on February 24, 1979 and a little later. Now I think I will go on until my daughter is born because it involves more grief […] my wife had another miscarriage […] and the saddest thing was that the Khmer Rouge came and shot my father-in-law at his home. At that time, my wife was pregnant with my eldest daughter. This story will be filmed to show that after the liberation of the country, the war continued and even the father-in-law of a foreign minister was shot dead […]./.